Negotiated Separation And Property Settlements
Marital settlement agreements are agreements made during the dissolution of a marriage. A separation agreement is an agreement between two parties who remain married but who have decided not to live together and want to define their legal obligations and responsibilities to each other and to their children, whether or not dissolution is contemplated in the future.
Providing Attorney Representation In Seattle, Washington, Since 1991
Often the best result for all persons involved in a family law matter is a negotiated settlement. While separation and divorce signify that the parties will not be pursuing their lives together, they do not necessarily mean that the parties will not have to deal with each other in the future. This especially applies when the parties share children.
A Skilled Divorce Attorney Can Help You Structure Your Separation
A properly negotiated settlement can help provide a just structure, understanding and foundation for the parties to move forward with their lives in a productive manner. V. Freitas Law is highly skilled at formulating, negotiating and achieving favorable separation and property settlements for our clients.
Contact us online or call 206-536-2875 for more information about how we can help you with a negotiated separation and property settlement agreement.