Fighting For Child Custody Rights As A Foreigner
When you are going through a divorce, you know all too well how challenging it can be on different fronts. That said, what to do when you are a foreigner and want partial or full custody of your child from a parent living in the U.S.?
If you are divorcing and your children are in the greater Seattle area, reaching out to a Seattle child custody lawyer is more than worth your time. He or she can work with you to see that your rights as a biological parent are not passed over. With that in mind, is it time you made the call to get legal assistance now.
Providing Attorney Representation In Seattle, Washington, Since 1991
Let A Seattle Family Lawyer Fight For You
In contacting one of the best child custody attorneys, be sure to cover the following areas during your discussion:
- What is best for the child – Above all else, the courts will look at what is in the best interests of the child. With that being the case, you want to make a strong case as to why having your children move to the country you are residing in makes the most sense. Among the reasons can be they will have a better quality of life when it comes to their education, health care and overall standard of living. Before appearing in court, you want to document all the benefits your children would have if they relocated to your country. It is important that you make it clear your children will be allowed to visit their other biological parent if you get full custody. Unless the other parent is unfit to care for the children during visits, he or she should be allowed to have time with them even if you are awarded full custody.
- Understanding Hague Convention – The Hague Convention makes sure children are protected from being abducted internationally. Unfortunately, some parents will try to abduct their children when a divorce and custody dispute turns nasty. It is best to find the legal counsel that understands this law and can explain it to you. A legal pro well-versed in international family law is always to your benefit. If your foreign country has not signed on to the Hague Convention, it does not necessarily mean that your hopes of relocating with your children will be denied by the courts.
- Everything in writing – Last, you want to make sure that everything regarding your child custody arrangements is in writing. Having a verbal agreement with the child’s other parent is not enough. This is especially true given the differences that can arise between family law courts in the U.S. and foreign countries.
By working with the right family lawyer, you stand a much better opportunity of having your children with you as you move forward. Contact us online or call 206-536-2875 today for more information.